Meet the Co-Founders

Welcome to All About Wellness Events, a hub of holistic wellness and community engagement. At the core of our organization are our passionate Co-Founders, Carmen Santiago and Wintress Patrice Felder, whose dedication and vision have shaped the essence of our mission. Here’s a closer look at these inspiring individuals:

Carmen Santiago

Co-Founder, Wellness Visionary & Eastern Medicine Practitioner

Carmen Santiago’s path to becoming a co-founder of All About Wellness Events and a leader in holistic health is a tale of passion, dedication, and a deep-seated belief in the power of alternative healing methods.

A Journey of Discovery: Carmen’s wellness journey began with meditation, a practice that opened the doors to self-awareness and inner peace. Her exploration of wellness deepened with her study and practice of Reiki, further solidifying her connection to holistic health practices.

Transition from Western to Eastern Medicine: Carmen’s career took a significant turn while working as an emergency room technician and EMT. Witnessing the limitations of Western medicine firsthand, she felt a strong pull towards the holistic approach of Eastern medicine. This led her to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Alternative Medicine, laying the foundation for her expertise in this field.

Advancing Her Expertise: Currently enrolled at the Won Institute, Carmen is working towards her Master’s in Acupuncture Medicine and studying herbal medicine. This education is not just a pursuit of knowledge but a commitment to integrating these ancient practices into modern wellness solutions.

A Passion for Holistic Healing: Carmen’s zeal for alternative healing methods is evident in her ventures. Her primary business, Cryo Core Rejuvenation where she is Co-Owner, is an embodiment of this passion, offering natural modalities like cryotherapy for healing. The addition of acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments to her practice is a forthcoming milestone she eagerly anticipates.

Karma 24 Peace: As the owner of Karma 24 Peace, Carmen takes a hands-on approach to wellness. Here, she develops her own remedies, drawing from the rich tapestry of Eastern medicine and holistic practices. Her products and services are reflections of her belief in natural, non-invasive methods for health and well-being.

A Vision for Community Wellness: Carmen Santiago is not just a practitioner but a visionary. Her commitment to introducing and integrating practices like meditation, yoga, qigong, and cryotherapy into the community is part of her larger mission to promote holistic health. Through All About Wellness Events, she endeavors to share these healing modalities, hoping to ignite a broader embrace of natural healing and wellness in the community.

Carmen’s journey and expertise are integral to the foundation and ongoing success of All About Wellness Events. Her unique blend of Eastern medicine knowledge, passion for alternative healing, and dedication to community wellness make her a vital force in guiding others on their paths to holistic health.

Wintress Patrice Felder

Co-Founder & Life Coach Extraordinaire

Wintress Patrice Felder, co-founder of All About Wellness Events and the visionary behind IAWP Life Coaching, LLC, is a distinguished figure in the realm of personal development and holistic wellness. Her extensive educational and professional background uniquely positions her to guide individuals on their transformative journeys.

Educational Foundation:
Wintress’s academic journey is marked by its diversity and depth. She holds a STEM degree in computer programming, complemented by a liberal studies degree from Limestone University in Gaffney, SC. This combination of technical acumen and broad-based liberal education empowers her with a versatile perspective. Her involvement as a member of The Limestone University President’s Advisory Council highlights her commitment to educational excellence and leadership. Further enriching her expertise, Wintress has also undertaken coursework towards a PhD in industrial/organizational psychology at the University of Phoenix, providing her with profound insights into human behavior and motivation.

Professional Milestones:
With over two decades of experience in various high-impact industries, Wintress Patrice Felder’s career is a testament to her versatility and leadership. Her roles have spanned across telecommunications, technology, logistics, and supply chain management, working with Fortune 500 giants like Johnson & Johnson, Tech Data, Avaya, AT&T, Verizon, Hewlett-Packard, and XPO Logistics. A trailblazer in her field, she made history as the first female manager of Information Systems at Financial Asset Management Systems in Atlanta, GA, where she spearheaded the development and implementation of their internet and intranet sites during a critical Department of Education contract.

Published Author:
Wintress’s literary contributions further underscore her expertise and commitment to personal growth. Her published works, available on Amazon, include titles such as “Unleashing Your Potential: A Guide to Life Coaching and NLP in the Black Community,” “Embrace Your Journey: A Guide to Self-Love, Self-Acceptance, and Self-Care for BIPOC Individuals,” and “Unraveling Self-Love: An Intricate Tapestry of Transformational Stories.” These publications, alongside her journals and adult coloring books, provide invaluable resources for those seeking empowerment and personal development.

IAWP Life Coaching, LLC:
As the founder of IAWP Life Coaching, LLC, Wintress Patrice Felder brings her wealth of knowledge and experience to her coaching practice. As a Certified NLP Life Coach, she employs a variety of modalities and techniques, ensuring that each coaching experience is highly personalized and impactful. Her approach is tailored to meet the unique needs and aspirations of her clients, fostering maximal progress and success in their personal journeys.

Philosophy and Contribution:
Wintress’s philosophy is centered on the belief that wellness is a multifaceted journey that encompasses not just physical health but mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. Her dedication to this holistic approach is evident in her work as a life coach and in her contributions to All About Wellness Events. Through her leadership, Wintress Patrice Felder continues to inspire and guide individuals towards holistic wellness and personal transformation.

Together, Carmen Santiago and Wintress Patrice Felder embody the spirit of All About Wellness Events. Their combined expertise and passion for holistic wellness have been instrumental in creating a platform that nurtures mind, body, and spirit. They are committed to guiding the community towards a path of wellness and self-discovery, making a lasting impact on the lives of those they touch.

Legal Information

All About Wellness Events is proud to operate as a registered non-profit organization, dedicated to promoting holistic wellness in our community. For your reference and assurance, here are our key legal details:

  • Employer Identification Number (EIN): 86-3851500
  • As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we adhere to the standards and regulations set forth for non-profits in the United States. This status reflects our commitment to using our resources and contributions to further our mission of holistic wellness and community engagement.

Our non-profit status is a cornerstone of our operations, ensuring that all efforts and resources are directed towards the fulfillment of our wellness initiatives and community outreach programs. We operate with transparency and integrity, upholding the trust you place in us as a charitable and wellness-focused organization. For any additional legal inquiries or information, please feel free to reach out to us.